Energetic Healing Workshops at the Dancing with Source Mystery School in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Clear Your Vessel in Preparation for the Ascension with Source,
the Archangels, Ascended Masters & Other High Beings of Light
Ashley Warrenton-Smith, cream turtleneck.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
7PM – 9PM
Crystal Chalice
1930 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard
Fairfax, California 94930
Ashley Warrenton-Smith, Founder
Dancing with Source Mystery School
Please RSVP – 415.785.7119
$10 Donation – Seating is Limited
The vision of the Dancing with Source™ Mystery School is Oneness. All are empowered to create a clear two-way communication with the Divine & transform past lives, trauma, disempowering genetic & behavioral inheritances through family bloodlines, disempowering core beliefs, incongruencies with Highest Good & congruencies with what is not, karmic patterns, programs, attachments, fragmentation of soul, personality & separation from Spirit, removal of Dark Teachers & implants, as well as dynamic relationship work with the archetypes, concepts, ideas, people, places & so forth that hold us back from moving into our Light Bodies. When we clear these & other barriers from our Bioplasmic system we become progressively able to hold more Light & can be of greater service in the uplifting of human consciousness in preparation for the Ascension.
Please join us.
Source will Guide the presentation for this Very Special Evening. 
There will be demonstrations of this work with volunteers from the audience.


Energetic Healing Workshops | Mystery School | Ashley Warrenton-Smith | Dancing with Source
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