Energetic Healing Workshops at the Dancing with Source Mystery School in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Newsletter - Past Issues
I question so I can learn
If we could read the secret history of our enemies.
Do not cause hurt to the hearts of others.
The challenge is to keep your eyes on the light.

It is full-on spring here in Northern California, daffodils in bloom everywhere. Seasonal waterfalls are still running as are the creeks. Wildflowers abound -- and everything is bursting with new life.

In the midst of all of this beauty, I am happy to announce that we posted a Satsang with Source entitled Preparing for This Time of Great Change. After it was recorded about a month ago, I could not remember what came through. When I listened to it for the first time both the energy and the message brought such joy to my heart.

The new DWS Level I Workshop series begins Sunday, May 8, 2011. At the request of the folks who have signed up, we changed the days of the class from Saturdays to Sundays. Many of the students are service providers in various modalities and work with clients on Saturdays. I don't know why we didn't think of this before!

I will be speaking this coming Tuesday evening, April 19, 2011 at the Crystal Chalice in Fairfax, California from 7AM to 9PM. The topic is Preparation for 2012: Rise Above the Storm & Open Your Heart. As always, I will be sharing one or two processes relevant to the topic as well as doing a demonstration on a volunteer from the audience.

As we enter our approach to summer, I have made a beautiful promise to myself. I intend to enJOY every single moment of the rest of this year as I have never allowed myself to do before. Life is to be lived fully and deeply.

Yours in Love and Light,

There is Beauty in Darkness

-Ashley Warrenton-Smith

Source has been bringing to my attention lately the incredible beauty to be found in the challenges of life. We humans have tended to learn and grow best through situations that test our mettle. In those most demanding of times, we have the opportunity to discover Who We Really Are.

It is from the ashes of the cataclysmic fire that our creativity and innovation arise. We learn that we can do far more than we ever dreamed when we are called upon to do so.

Source says that we have upon this planet NOW the technology of wind, water, solar -- safe technologies that do no harm -- to power all our needs and then some. Source says that we have the capability of bringing our beloved Earth back from the damage that we have inflicted upon her through the overuse of plastics, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides -- to say nothing of genetically modified organisms that cannot be properly processed by the food chain of which we are a part. And we can create a sustainable global economy by strengthening our local economies -- and switching from our of control planned obsolescence and consumerism to husbanding the resources of Earth and treating all of life with the sacred honor that it deserves.

It is the storms, earthquakes, tsunamis and more designed to awaken us that give us the opportunity to connect with Source directly, step into our Divine power and co-create our life experience in the spirit of Oneness.

Source says that our resistance to learning, to growth, to releasing our old ways off thinking is what causes us pain. When we reach the point where there is nothing but surrender, we shall free ourselves from everything that has held us back.

We can choose to have the intense and dramatic experiences associated with resistance -- or we can choose to learn and grow beyond what we preciously believed was our capacity to learn and grow. We can release our old ways of thinking to make way for the new. And we can have a great time doing so.

The choice is entirely ours.

What do you choose?

Whatever you choose, may you be blessed.

"Joy can exist even in the presence of weariness.
Believe in the deepest Truth of who you are
and what you have come to the Earth to bring.
Let God's timing do the rest."

- Julie Redstone

"Remember that kindness begins with your thoughts.
The seeds of kind thoughts about yourself and
others will grow into kind feelings, which will bear
the fruit of kind actions.
Everything is born from a thought."

- Dorothy Mendoza Row

I Showed Up & Did the Work!
My Life Changed for the Better

-- Jill Johnston

It was six years ago that I began working with Ashley. I was in a very dysfunctional relationship with a man. He was very controlling and emotionally abusive. We were together off and on for 10 years. I knew I needed to end the relationship, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I really felt he loved me and I kept trying to 'fix' him. In actuality, I had found my mother in this man and was trying to get the love from him that I did not get from her. As a result, I ended up depressed, with an eating disorder, very much isolated from my friends and family, I had lost the fun and joy within myself -- and I was seriously in debt because I kept loaning money to him.

I really wanted a shift. After the first session with Ashley, I noticed a big difference. I became more assertive with him and began to set boundaries. Before I would do anything he wanted me to do -- and he did not respect me for it. As I slowly began to heal, I could see more clearly that I could not realistically build a future with this man.

I asked Ashley to help me work on building my self confidence and inner strength so that I could end the relationship and stick to it. I was so glad that I had the wisdom to ask for this because I was better able to deal with the shock and gut-wrenching pain when I learned that he had had a child with another woman during the time I thought he was in relationship with me.

The focus of my energy during that dark period was the work with Ashley. i grew stronger and stronger. It was not easy. There were days and nights of despair, yet through it all I grew stronger. When he called me to try to finagle his way back into my life, I said "No." I was tested so many times. I had to change my phone number and move so he could not find me. I did it all! As I took each step forward, I grew stronger and stronger.

Then a miracle happened. Friends introduced me to my future husband. He is a truly wonderful, loving man with whom I now share a gorgeous home and two children. I wish I could tell you that it came easily. It did not.

I still had a LOT of 'buggy code' that needed to be recoded. I continued to work with Ashley as I built the relationship with this man. We had our ups and downs and I seriously thought about ending it. Ashley and I found deeply buried patterns in my subconscious or 'hard drive'. As these released, I realized I had to look at myself and see what I was adding to this. I said, "If I don't take responsibility for my part and change it, I will not be able to co-create with this man the kind of relationship I have dreamed about. Then the real work began. My commitment and intention were deep and strong.

It worked!

I have a very happy marriage to a man that I love very much. He is a caring, loving, involved father to our children. We share a beautiful home in which we laugh a good deal of the time.

I feel blessed.

As I look back, I am so grateful that Source brought Ashley's and my paths together. I do not believe, knowing how hard I worked to get here, that it would have happened any other way. It feels like I was given a miracle that changed my life.

* * *

Jill Johnston is the Vice President of Marketing for a Silicon Valley high tech company and serves on two not-for-profit boards that focus on helping abused children and mothers.

This year we are experiencing four unusual dates:
1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11
and that's not all...

Take the last two digits of the year in which you
were born. Now add the age you will be this year,
and the result will be 111 for everyone!

Dancing with Source
Our Vision is Oneness

Through the workshops offered in the DWS mystery school, all are empowered to identify incongruencies with Highest Good & congruencies with what is not, create clear two-way communication with the Divine & transform past lives, trauma, disempowering genetic & behavioral inheritances through family bloodlines, disempowering core beliefs, karmic, mental, emotional & egoic patterns, programs, attachments, fragmentation of soul, personality & separation from Spirit, identification & removal of Dark Teachers & implants, as well as dynamic relationship work with the archetypes, concepts, ideas, people, places & things that hold us back from moving into our Light Bodies.

When we clear these & other 'buggy code' from our field we become progressively able tohold more Light & can be of greater service in the uplifting of human consciousnessin preparation for the Ascension.

We do this through advanced energetic healing workshops, private sessions, speaking engagements, and spiritual retreats in partnership with Source, the Archangels, Ascended Masters, and All Beings of Light.

Phone Number.

Please do not hesitate to call to find out more about this work which was brought to Earth by Source to help humanity -- or to obtain a referral to a DWS Master Facilitator.



Energetic Healing Workshops | Mystery School | Ashley Warrenton-Smith | Dancing with Source
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